North Korea Tension – How To Prevent A War

Since when the issue of the North Korea nuclear weapon program began, Prophet T.B Joshua has been in the forefront suggesting useful ways on how peace can be restored among those concerned in other to prevent a situation whereby another crisis will be added to the already tensed world. The truth is that Prophet T.B Joshua cannot be in this world and keep quiet while the devil and his agents are bringing enmity and suspicious amongst the human race – causing them to brutally kill and harm each other. The Prophet is so much concern about world peace. He believes in a crisis-free world and he wants the human race to live peacefully together under the good Spirit of harmony and tranquillity.

I observed that one of the major reasons why it seems the world is not moving towards peace is because almost all the nations of the earth are living with the mindset of a future world war. Everybody is suspicious of its neighbour. Nations are budgeting billions of dollars yearly into research, manufacturing and acquiring of more sophisticated weapons of man’s destruction. We are living daily with the mindset of war not with the mindset of a future world peace.

Since these deadly weapons are in our possession to destroy our fellow human enemies, we no longer seem to want to embrace peace. In the cause of any provocations, we are tempted to go into war instead of coming together to find an amicable solution. Psychologically, we have the mindset that, if the weapons are there and are not being used in the name of embracing peace. Is it not tantamount to waste of resources in acquiring and developing those weapons? The day the nations of the world will stop budgeting trillions of dollars into acquiring more sophisticated weapons and strengthen their nuclear arsenal, we would be heading towards world peace. Instead of the present show of military might in the cause of any provocations, powerful nations of the world will strive for peaceful means to end world crisis.

The ongoing crisis in the world is already enough, adding another war will not be good for anybody. We should try and embrace peace instead of the present show of military might and talkativeness. Those making provocative statements need to understand that because they are not going to be in the war front when the battle begins does not mean the soldiers who are sent to the battlefield do not wish to live or values their own lives. It is true soldiers are patriotic and they are ready to lay down their lives for their country, but remember most of them still have families and love once. I don’t think any child wants to be fatherless and any wife wants to be a widow.

Listen, a man thinks he has what it takes to crush his enemies, he always ignores the trumpet of peace and seeks for any provocative opportunity to go for war – such a man fall will be great. While another man is more powerful than his enemies yet, live as if he has little or no power, he does everything within his strength to avoid war and wants peace – such a man‘s greatness will grow to the high heavens and his influence to the end of the earth. It is better for your enemies to be at peace with you than seeking for an opportunity to crush them.

If there is any way there can be peace and no single life is lost. Whereby, our patriotic gallant men in military uniform can go back home safely to enjoy the warm embrace of their wives and the affectionate company of their Children. I think it will be a good thing for the nations involved and the United Nations (UN) to encourage.

By the grace of God, one of the callings of Prophet T.B Joshua’s ministry is to bring about peace in the place where there is a crisis. And this can be evidence from the everyday reconciliation that is going on in the SCOAN between family members and married couples that have been legally divorced for many years. For instance, the whole world was a witness on how the Prophet was used by God as an instrument of peace during his visit to the nation of Tanzania after their last general election that almost leads to a huge crisis.

The God of Prophet T.B. Joshua can help end the present North Korea tension if the world governing body will accept him to contribute his divine wisdom to bring about peace. The fact is that the Prophet can only succeed in his calling to bring about world peace if the world governments would be willing to use him. The many crises we are currently experiencing today in the world would have for long come to an end. But since mankind always wants to ignore God in all of their decisions – we always want to do things according to our own human understanding, this is the reason why we are living in a world that is not crisis-free.

Since we are made to believe that it is the North Korea leader that is causing the whole tension, which means the problem is about one man. I strongly believe if Prophet T.B Joshua can be allowed to lead a group of powerful delegate that has the backing of the world governing body, like the United Nations to go visit the North Korea leader for a peace talk, I think this whole drum of war will end and the foundation of peace would be built.

Don’t mistake this as one wanting to take glory from world crisis. This is not about one taking glory it is about world peace – saving lives, saving nations and saving the world. We can only have a crisis-free world if humanity can forsake their ego and in humility come to God for direction – let all humble before God and seek for His wisdom. The world will only become a better place for the entire human inhabitant and our unborn generation if we stop ignoring God. Remember that God cannot force Himself on anyone. We are free to seek for His help through any of His servants. But know that the peace that comes from spilling of blood will continue to be sustained by blood, but the peace that comes from God is eternal.

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