You Tube Banning Emmanuel TV Touches the Very Heart of Jesus Gospel Message

TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV
Prophet T.B. Joshua

When recently YouTube placed a ban on Emmanuel TV’s YouTube Channel, citing a reason based on “Seemingly Social Justice” and not focused on “Sin and Redemption”, we have been taken aback. Their reason and action strike on the very heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the need to be set free from sin and all its practices and not take comfort in a cosmetic social justice. The Bible commands us to take care of the helpless, the unfortunate and defend those who are oppressed. This is a very important part of what it means to live out our Christian Faith and which Prophet TB Joshua, the Bishop of SCOAN and founder of Emmanuel TV, has been preaching across the globe, not just in a remote Lagos neighbourhood.

Perhaps it is necessary to attempt to align YouTube and many others on the core message of Jesus Christ which has become Christianity and the Gospel. It is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and resurrected, and thereby reconciled us to God. This is the message that will truly bring freedom to the oppressed. If an organization the status of YouTube intends to contribute meaningfully to public life in the 21st century it should have an open door for all. They must also understand that the Bible must be preached entirely, with power and glory in Jesus Christ, without compromise.

We also want YouTube to be aware that many “Christians” today find the concept of God willing His Son to die on the cross to be embarrassing or even appalling. They even take it to be “child abuse,” the idea of blood atonement is de-emphasized or denied altogether, with social justice and good works enthroned in its place. Prophet TB Joshua and his ministries, including Emmanuel TV, have attracted world attention, not for the reasons alluded to him by YouTube but by the sound and complete Gospel of Jesus Christ coming from them. Social justice can be persuasive and enticing, but carried out to its logical end in many areas it is an assault on the foundational framework of Christianity, leaving it disarmed of its saving power. We encourage YouTube and its owners to consider this moment a time to pray about finding and supporting fellowships that are more “Biblically Faithful Church Communities” rather than banning them. Emmanuel.

Prof. R. A.  Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.