tb Joshua usa election
Prophet T.B. Joshua

It does not really matter what the world and its institutions have in opinion about God’s humble servant, Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua. We don’t really care since we are not of this world nor conformed to their ways other than, the things from above. Our senses of truth are not based on their laws and senses of judgment. Because here is the world that finds pleasure in worshiping and adoring sex idols or celebrity porn with fake body parts and ungodly lifestyle, yet delights in castigating men of God that proves the authenticity of God’s power, promote pure virtues, purity and the fear of God.

Despite the campaigns of calumny and the negative impressions that critics are trying to create out there about the life and ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua, however, one thing is crystal, he has shown to be outstanding in his ministerial calling.

We would be revealing some of those extraordinary things that took place in the SCOAN which are issues of concern in the world today and has placed the elites in the state of bewilderment or they are still looking for their solutions. However, they are like breathing when they are brought forth to the feet of the Prophet of God.

  1. The Massive Transformative Healings of the Homosexuals: It is no longer news or big deal to SCOAN members and millions of Emmanuel.TV viewers worldwide that homosexuality is an infirmity that can be cured in SCOAN. For now, according to scientific records, there is no solution to homosexuality. It is also worth knowing that the bewildered elites who seem not to have a tangible explanation to the cause of homosexuality are trying to compel the world to accept it as normal even though common sense proves its abnormality. Today, countless homosexuals worldwide that are tired of their ill lifestyle are trooping into the SCOAN to get delivered. And it is on record that only in SCOAN homosexuals are being healed and transformed. We are calling on world leaders to partner with the Ministry of SCOAN to bring to stop for once the issue of Homosexuality. The world leaders cannot continue to pretend that all is well, there is a solution God has placed amongst us, let’s make judicious use of it.
  2. The Countless HIV/AIDs Healings: This is one of the most common illnesses that are consistently healed in the Ministry of Prophet T.B Joshua. Records have long-established that a good number of persons affected with this deadly virus that comes to SCOAN have been healed with confirmed medical records from Professional medical specialist and highly recognised and reputable hospitals after the patients encounter with Prophet T.B. Joshua’s Ministry. We would like World Health Organisation (WHO) to visit SCOAN to debunk these amazing records. It is a known fact that today medically, HIV/AIDs cannot be healed. Although, there are medicines usually recommended by medical doctors to patients affected with this deadly virus to manage the disease. SCOAN always advise patients to continue with their medication until confirmed totally healed by their medical doctors.  It is also worthy to note that divine healings of HIV/AIDs are not limited to the ministry of SCOAN; there are also stories from other bible believing churches were such healings has been alleged to have taken place...READ MORE

T.B. Joshua Prophesy the 2016 U.S.A Presidential Election winner

tb Joshua usa electionProphet T.B. Joshua has been out of sight from the SCOAN live Sunday services after his historic crusade in the monumental stadium in Lima, Peru. There was, therefore high expectation from millions of SCOAN members and Emmanuel.tv viewers all over the world when it was announced on Emmanuel.tv featuring Prophet T.B. Joshua, telling the world that he shall be coming out on the 6th of November for the Sunday services.

tb joshua usa 2016In the cause of the service, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave a Prophecy about the coming U.S.A Presidential election that is going to take place on the 8th of this month. The 2016 U.S.A electoral campaign process has been filled with scandals and controversies among the two major Political contenders, Hillary Clinton of the Democrat and Donald J. Trump of the Republican. The Prophet said ..READ MORE