Nigerian-American Journalists Fault TB Joshua’s Emmanuel TV Suspension on YouTube

tb joshua, scoan

The Nigerian-American Press Association (NAPA) has faulted Google LLC, an American multinational technology company, for suspending Emmanuel TV, a Christian television network established by Founder of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Pastor TB Joshua on YouTube.

The association rejected SCOAN’s suspension in a resolution its executive members unanimously adopted after an emergency board meeting via conference call from Houston, Texas, United States yesterday.

NAPA is a major convergence of online editors representing leading mainstream media establishments in the United States of America and Nigeria.

YouTube, an online video platform of Google LLC and the second most-visited website in the world, suspended Emmanuel TV for uploading a video content, which it claimed, allegedly contained hate speech.

In a statement on Friday, SCOAN said: “Our mission is to share the love of God with everyone – irrespective of race or religion – and we strongly oppose all forms of hate speech! We have had a long and fruitful relationship with YouTube and believe this decision was made in haste.”

After its emergency meeting yesterday, NAPA in a resolution by its President, Mr George Otumu, said, “In a unanimous voice, we condemn the position taken by the management of YouTube to suspend the license of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s media channel.”

It explained that NAPA strongly believed YouTube’s decision was “condemnable, ludicrous, hastily-made, biased and vindictive in its entirety; as there were no correspondence or traceable records from YouTube, earlier warning Synagogue Church of All Nations ministry of its alleged offence; even after it hastily singled out seven videos it tagged ‘hate-speech’.”

Also, the association said: “YouTube so decided under the cover of darkness to take one out of the seven videos as a reflection of its ban on T.B. Joshua’s media channel, without allowing the Church in contention an avenue of a rightful channel of reply to deny the allegation.”

It added that going by YouTube’s action, it was crystal clear from all indications that their management had made up their minds to allegedly “end the rising profile of Nigerian based Synagogue Church of All Nations, against every lawful avenue or judicial remedy that may have been available for T.B. Joshua to correct the ill-fated narratives.

“For the records, we are aware a group in the United Kingdom (UK)-Open Democracy, filed a complaint against Synagogue Church of All Nations ministry regarding a 2018 video in the Church where Prophet T.B Joshua was alleged to have slapped one Ms. Okoye during a deliverance session.

“At no time, T.B. Joshua gave any time to refute the hate allegation made. At this juncture, NAPA Board members are fully behind the Synagogue Church of All Nations in this fight as we demand the following in the next 72 hours:

“That YouTube should immediately restore the Synagogue Church of All Nations’ channel without any further delay. That YouTube management should allow T.B. Joshua to appeal the suspension rightfully.

“That YouTube should tender an unreserved apology to Synagogue Church of All Nations ministry, for misinforming the public for reasons on the suspension, as we deem the overall action taken by YouTube on this matter to be hateful, judgmental and discriminatory on its face.

The body said it believed discrimination is hatred in disguise, and that it would not stop in updating the global public through “our various publications on this salient matter.”


One thought on “Nigerian-American Journalists Fault TB Joshua’s Emmanuel TV Suspension on YouTube”

  1. What i see, the darkness is angry about kingdom of God, Emmanuel channel helps the world to see how Jesus loves us and it reaches us in many way by this channel GOD BLESS EMMANUEL CHANNEL AND MY PROPHET PROPHET T.B JOSHUA AMEN AMEN! AMEN

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