Tag Archives: Scoan

Unveiling the Truth: Racheal’s Controversial Journey within SCOAN – A Closer Look

In this exploration, we delve into the narrative surrounding Racheal, one of the accusers featured in the controversial staged and fabricated BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). Understanding her background sheds light on the complexities of the accusations and the motivations behind her actions.

Racheal’s familial context becomes crucial in comprehending her trajectory. Her father, Nicholas Holmes, assumes significance in this narrative, as his role becomes instrumental in her eventual departure from SCOAN and the adoption of a blasphemous stance. Racheal embarked on her SCOAN journey seeking deliverance. However, what remains undisclosed is the reason she remained under the stronghold of her demon, now Legions even after her first deliverance.

The reasons for Racheal’s journey to SCOAN was a deeply ingrained problem known at the SCOAN as the ‘Spirit of Women,’ manifesting as an attraction to individuals of the same sex (Lesbianism). Seeking a solution, her family took her to SCOAN for spiritual intervention and deliverance. Following the deliverance sessions with Prophet TB Joshua, Racheal experienced a transformation—her previously intense desires for individuals of the same gender come to an end. Filled with gratitude for this newfound freedom, she expressed her interest in becoming a disciple at SCOAN’s headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.

Prophet TB Joshua, trusting in Racheal’s sincerity, transformation and show of genuine repentance, accepted her as a disciples and bestowed upon her numerous responsibilities within SCOAN. Her commitment and devotion were acknowledged as she was anointed as a Junior Prophet, attaining the second-highest rank in SCOAN’s hierarchy under Prophet TB Joshua. This elevation showcased the level of trust and goodwill the Prophet extended to Racheal.

However, unknown to everyone, a sinister plot was unfolding. Racheal, in collaboration with her father, who held a position in the accounting department as the head, was clandestinely orchestrating the embezzlement of church funds from the SCOAN London branch in the UK. The very trust bestowed upon her by the Prophet was exploited for personal gain, revealing a hidden agenda that would later impacted Racheal profoundly.

How Racheal Loses her Deliverance – The Sins Of The Father

Despite undergoing deliverance that seemingly freed Racheal from her struggles with same-sex attraction, a disconcerting chapter emerged when reports surfaced of her engaging in sexual molestation of fellow female disciples within their living quarters at the SCOAN. Disturbed by these revelations, the affected individuals brought the matter to Prophet TB Joshua’s attention, prompting swift action.

In response to the reports, Prophet TB Joshua decided to send Racheal back to her parents in the UK. Acknowledging her repentance and plea to return, she was eventually welcomed back into the Church. However, Prophet TB Joshua, still perplexed by the recurrence of Racheal’s previous behavior, initiated an inquiry that would unearth a shocking revelation.

The Prophet discovered a deeply troubling collaboration between Racheal and her father, Mr. Nicholas Holmes, who held a significant position as the head of the SCOAN UK branch’s accounting department. It was unveiled that they were embezzling funds meant for the SCOAN UK branch, with Mr. Holmes allegedly indulging in extravagant lifestyle that he was found of purchasing new car often during this illicit collaboration.

Prophet TB Joshua, in response to this breach of trust and financial malfeasance, made the decision to remove Mr. Nicholas Holmes from the accounting department, replacing him with another individual, Mr. Samuel Durojaye. This decisive action, however, triggered a vehement reaction from Racheal. Fiercely loyal to her father, she adamantly declared that if her father was to be removed from his position, she would sever ties with the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua.

Racheal Now Rae, Enthralled by Legions of Darkness

“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

Mathew 12:43-45 (NIV)

In the aftermath of this conflict, Racheal left SCOAN without undergoing the second deliverance she so evidently required. The scripture make use to understand in Matthew 12:43-45 (NIV) that a person can lose her deliverance due to sin and be repossessed by even more and worst demons. Racheal presently is under the influence of legions of demons – Possessed by the Multitudes of Infernal Spirits far worse than before her coming to the SCOAN. Contrary to her claim that SCOAN’s deliverance is ineffective, the underlying motive for her departure was her vehement objection to her father’s removal from the accounting department.

It is crucial to dispel the narrative propagated by Racheal, emphasizing that her lack of deliverance was not due to any inherent flaw in the deliverances taken place in the SCOAN. Instead, Racheal departure was fueled by a sinful pursuit of financial gain by her and her father, Mr. Nicholas Holmes, a betrayal of the trust bestowed upon them by Prophet TB Joshua.

Amidst these campaign of calumny against Prophet TB Joshua and The SCOAN, it is imperative for the world to discern the truth from the falsehoods presented by Racheal. The testimonies of numerous individuals within SCOAN who have experienced genuine healing and deliverance stand as a testament to the authenticity of the ministry. Let the fruits of SCOAN’s impact speak louder than the distortions created by one individual’s misguided actions. Healing and deliverance are real and authentic for those who believe and seek them with genuine hearts.

This revelation invites us to question the motivations behind Racheal’s accusations and whether her actions were driven by a genuine disillusionment with SCOAN or if they were influenced by personal vendettas and concealed intentions.

Below are some videos testimonies of individuals who experienced deliverance from the same spirit that Racheal claimed she did not find deliverance from at the SCOAN:

Unraveling the Bias: A Rebuttal to openDemocracy’s Campaign Against TB Joshua and SCOAN

In a recent publication, openDemocracy has presented a misleading narrative with regard to the followers of Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). The article accuses them of attempting to suppress TB Joshua’s alleged “victim”. While it is essential to address any form of abuse and misinformation, it is equally crucial to scrutinize the credibility of such claims and explore the broader context. This rebuttal aims to shed light on the perceived bias in openDemocracy’s report and present a more comprehensive perspective.

The article notes that YouTube and Apple have taken action against SCOAN and its followers based on reports of abusive content. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between enforcing policies and allowing diverse viewpoints. There is the need to scrutinize the methodology and criteria used to identify abusive content, ensuring a fair and unbiased assessment.

The removal of SCOAN-related content by YouTube and Apple, as reported by openDemocracy, prompts concerns about censorship. The protection of free speech is paramount on all social media platforms. Suppressing the free speech of supporters of Prophet TB Joshua and the SCOAN hinders their ability to present evidence, counter allegations, and amounts to stifling opposing perspectives. The right to free expression and a fair hearing should be extended to all parties involved.

Your so-called investigation outlines instances of cyberbullying, discrimination, and spreading of misinformation by SCOAN supporters. However, that is actually what openDemocracy and the disgraced BBC are doing against TB Joshua and SCOAN by spreading misinformation about the ministry.

The documentary produced by the BBC, in collaboration with openDemocracy, is cited as a catalyst for an upsurge in abusive content. Nonetheless, it has been asserted that the mentioned documentary has been proven to be false and fabricated. There exists no concrete evidence from the accusers of Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN; the movie or documentary was an orchestrated act. The anticipation for any evidence against the ministry remains unfulfilled.

The question that cannot be dismissed is why these accusations find amplification through online platforms and documentary-style productions rather than being pursued through legal channels. If justice is indeed the primary objective, one might question why legal systems are not resorted to for a thorough investigation and due process. The preference for an online campaign over legal avenues raises doubts about the true intent behind the endeavor. If Bisola and Ajoke claim they are victims according to the openDemocracy reports, it is imperative to stress the significance of seeking legal recourse, pursuing legal avenues is the appropriate course of action to establish the truth and ensure accountability, instead of campaign of calumny against the person of Prophet TB Joshua and blasphemous remark against the work of God.

As Christians, faith healing and deliverance are an integral part of our religious beliefs. SCOAN’s emphasis on prayer and faith aligns with these foundational principles. It is crucial for openDemocracy and others to respect and acknowledge the diversity of faith practices, recognizing that differing beliefs coexist within our global community.

The call for Google Play and Apple’s App Store to reassess hosting the Emmanuel TV app raises concerns about potential institutional persecution. It is essential to differentiate between responsible hosting of diverse religious content and an infringement on religious freedoms. Institutions must strike a balance that respects the plurality of beliefs.

The global community is characterized by religious diversity, and any reassessment of hosting applications should be done with the understanding that diverse faith practices contribute to this richness. Upholding the freedom for individuals to access content aligned with their beliefs is fundamental to fostering a tolerant and inclusive society.

SCOAN has consistently maintained a stance of not imposing its beliefs on individuals. The call for reassessment should take into account the voluntary nature of engagement with religious content. Individuals have the autonomy to choose content that aligns with their faith, and this freedom must be safeguarded.

Instead of advocating for reassessment, we propose fostering open dialogue and understanding between stakeholders. Respectful conversations that acknowledge religious diversity and promote mutual understanding contribute to a harmonious coexistence of different faiths in the digital space.

Preserving religious freedom is a cornerstone of a democratic society. Any actions that may impact the hosting of religious content should be approached cautiously, ensuring that these actions do not inadvertently infringe upon the rights of individuals to freely practice their faith.

openDemocracy’s coverage of the situation appears to carry an inherent bias against TB Joshua and SCOAN. The absence of objective journalism, reliance on unverified sources, and the selective presentation of information contribute to an atmosphere of suspicion. A comprehensive and impartial investigation should encompass all perspectives to arrive at a fair and just conclusion.

Amidst the allegations, it become obvious that those accusing TB Joshua are financially supported with the intent to tarnish the esteemed reputation of the Prophet and launch an assault against the Church of God. The orchestrated nature of these attacks raises questions about the ulterior motives driving the accusations.

Despite the tumult of allegations, the Church stands unwavering in its faith and commitment to defend the Christian Faith. The conviction that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church, as affirmed by the Bible, instills confidence that truth will ultimately triumph over falsehood. The steadfast belief in victory through Christ Jesus serves as the cornerstone of our defense.

Recognizing the spiritual dimension of the conflict, we perceive the attacks as a manifestation of spiritual warfare. The Apostle Paul’s counsel in Ephesians 6:12 resonates profoundly, underscoring that the struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. The defense against these accusations extends beyond the physical realm, involving prayer and spiritual discernment.

The prevailing message is one of victory in Christ Jesus. Despite the challenges and orchestrated attacks, our faith remains unshaken. The assurance that Christ has already secured the ultimate triumph over adversity serves as the anchor fortifying our defense.

YouTube Takes Another Hit on Truth: Watched TB Joshua Channel Remove

In an expected move, YouTube seems to be taking sides in the ongoing controversy surrounding the staged and fabricated BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN). The latest target is the “Watched TB Joshua” YouTube channel, which has been taken down, making one to question the platform’s commitment to neutrality.

The channel, known for its objective analysis and exposure of falsehoods and slander in the BBC documentary, joins the ranks of other pro-TB Joshua channels that have faced similar takedowns. This includes the official YouTube channel of Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN. The common thread among these channels is their dedication to presenting an alternative perspective and unveiling the truth with evidences.

YouTube’s actions are preventing the dissemination of views contrary to those presented in the BBC controversial documentary. This moves should spark concerns about censorship and the suppression of alternative narratives, leaving the public with limited access to different viewpoints.

The situation raises questions about the integrity of YouTube, a platforms that play a significant role in shaping public opinion. This act is indicative of a broader trend where alternative voices are stifled, limiting the public’s ability to make informed decisions.

They don’t want the public to know the truth. They are blocking alternative views, and the public must be wise; these are signs of end times. Do not be deceived; the world and its establishment are after the true church.

In response to this censorship, “Watched TB Joshua” has taken preemptive measures. Anticipating potential removal, the channel has already established a presence on Rumble, an alternative video-sharing platform. The new channel on Rumble aims to continue providing exclusive content related to TB Joshua and SCOAN, ensuring that subscribers and supporters can access information beyond the reach of mainstream platforms.

The call to action encourages those interested in TB Joshua and SCOAN to subscribe to the Rumble channel via the link: https://rumble.com/c/Watchedtbjoshua. This move is seen as a strategic step to counter the limitations imposed by YouTube and maintain an open dialogue about the ongoing events.

As the controversy unfolds, the takedown of “Watched TB Joshua” on YouTube raises critical questions about the role of major platforms in controlling information flow and the potential impact on public perception. It also serves as a reminder that alternative platforms may become essential in preserving diverse perspectives and fostering free expression in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

Miraculous Testimonies Debugged Disgraced BBC Falsehood: Authentic Healing and Deliverance at SCOAN

In a stirring rebuttal to the recent BBC and its cohort falsehood regarding the authenticity of healing and deliverance at the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), a series of compelling testimonies emerged during the live Sunday service on January 28, 2024. These firsthand accounts serve as resounding proof of the genuine healing power that continues to manifest within the SCOAN.

Before delving into the testimonies, it’s crucial to contextualize the backdrop against which these stories unfold. A recent BBC fabricated and stage documentary had cast doubt on the legitimacy of healing and deliverance at SCOAN, alleging that such miraculous events were mere fabrications and staged. The testimonies shared during the January 28th service provide another powerful counter-narrative, challenging the falsehood and attesting to the transformative impact of faith, prayer, and divine intervention as evidence in the SCOAN.

One poignant testimony came from Nene, a woman who had grappled with severe disc prolapse since 2013. Despite taking powerful medications, her condition showed little improvement. Pastor Evelyn Joshua, before initiating a session of prayer, advised Nene to cultivate an atmosphere of faith. The result? A miraculous healing that left Nene exclaiming, “Now I am bouncing in the Lord,” a testament to the profound impact of unwavering faith in the face of adversity.

Agatha shared her journey from a diagnosis of ovarian cysts, with doctors recommending surgery, to conceiving naturally after prayer at SCOAN. Her husband, Chinedu, credited the Anointing Sticker for the prosperity of his business, underscoring the tangible influence of spiritual tools.

Miriam, a Congolese woman, spoke of her healing from a debilitating disc problem. Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s prayer on January 21, 2024, brought relief, enabling Miriam to walk without aid. Her testimony emphasized patience and unwavering faith in God’s healing power.

The testimonies continued with Temidayo, whose ulcerous foot stayed healed for 28 years, defying all medical expectations. Iyabo recounted her 18-year healing journey, surviving a severe leg fracture sustained in a fatal accident.

Justina’s resilience after a life-altering accident on December 25, 2022, stood out. Despite doctors’ predictions, her unwavering faith and use of faith tools led to her astounding recovery, defying medical expectations.

Oloyede, a technician who suffered vertebral cracks for over 12 years, found healing at SCOAN on January 21, 2024 after being prayed for by Prophet TB Joshua. His advice to others emphasized running to Jesus Christ for healing and restoration.

Cynthia’s testimony highlighted her deliverance from demonic possession and healing from gastritis after prayer by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, emphasizing the transformative power of spiritual intervention.

Jude’s decade-long battle with a horrifying skin disease ended in 2014 after receiving prayer from Prophet TB Joshua. His sister Monica shared the family’s struggle, emphasizing the compassion shown by Prophet TB Joshua and the significance of acting in faith.

These testimonies, collectively, stand as a compelling response to the deceptive falsehood raised in the BBC fabricated documentary. They offer firsthand accounts of genuine healing and deliverance at SCOAN, challenging doubt and reaffirming the transformative impact of spiritual experiences. Despite external scrutiny, these individuals stand as living testimonies to the undeniable power of faith, prayer, and divine intervention within the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Watch Each of their Full Testimonies on Rumble:

Defending the Legacy: Chris and Gina Speak Out on Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the wake of recent falsehood against Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in a fabricated and staged BBC documentary, Chris and his wife Gina, a former disciple, have come forward to share their personal experiences. Chris, speaking passionately, begins by recounting his transformative journey with SCOAN, initiated by an evangelist’s gift of anointing water in 2011 or 2012. Struggling with mental illness, addiction, and depression, Chris found healing through the anointing water, emphasizing that Prophet TB Joshua did not advise him to stop his medication.

Chris’s life took a positive turn after his encounter with SCOAN, leading him to work with Emanuel TV USA. He expresses gratitude for the opportunities to travel the world, attend crusades, and experience financial blessings facilitated by Prophet TB Joshua. He underscores that Prophet TB Joshua always acknowledged being a vessel, not the ultimate healer or deliverer.

Gina, Chris’s wife, shares her testimony, highlighting that she joined SCOAN as a virgin and left as one, debunking false allegations of sexual abuse. She commends Prophet TB Joshua as a loving and caring spiritual father, refuting the falsehood made in the BBC documentary.

The couple addresses the impact of false accusations on their lives, stressing their unwavering support for Prophet TB Joshua, SCOAN, and Emmanuel TV. Chris passionately defends the integrity of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing the positive changes in their lives through the ministry.

In the face of adversity, the couple urges viewers to seek the truth, pray, and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal the reality. They stand united in support of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing that their lives have been positively transformed through SCOAN.

Watch the full speech on YouTube and Rumble:

Mary Titilayo: A Testament to TB Joshua’s True Character and Miraculous Acts

In a compelling testimony, Mary Titilayo, one of Prophet TB Joshua’s earliest disciples, breaks her silence over the false allegations raised by some ex-disciples in the failed BBC documentary. Mary, who lived with TB Joshua from 1991 to 1999, shares unknown facts about the late prophet, shedding light on his character and the miraculous events at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Mary describes TB Joshua as a holy, humble, and pure-hearted man who cared deeply for his followers and their families. She emphasizes that the news circulating about him brings her to tears, prompting her to courageously reveal the truth about this “pure man of God.”

The testimony delves into the early years, highlighting TB Joshua’s intense prayer life. Mary vividly recalls a significant event in 1991-92 when TB Joshua prayed fervently for 9:00am to 9:00pm on his knees. She also give an account on how the Prophet prayed on the dry ground that is presently the SCOAN Prayer Mountain, leading to the miraculous emergence of water at that specific location. She attests to the divine nature of this water, which continues to be a source of healing for many.

Addressing the recent criticisms and allegations, Mary passionately defends TB Joshua, stating that he was a genuine man of God, a man of faith, and humility. She expresses sorrow for those speaking against him and reminds them of the biblical principle that those who fight against God will not succeed.

Mary also counters the accusations of Bisola Johnson. She narrates an incident where she personally provided clothing for Bisola and highlights the inconsistency in her present-day criticism. She said Bisola would have been a mad person by now if not for the Prayers she received from Prophet TB Joshua.

In her impassioned defense, Mary underscores TB Joshua’s impact globally, having conducted crusades in 52 countries. She challenges those criticizing him to reflect on their own contributions to their families and communities, asserting that TB Joshua’s work is a testament to his divine calling.

The testimony concludes with a powerful message that the work of God initiated by TB Joshua cannot be brought down by individuals, as it started from humble beginnings under bamboo and has expanded to every part of the world. Mary salutes TB Joshua’s wife, Mama Evelyn Joshua, acknowledging her strength and commitment to the church even during challenging times.

To witness Mary Titilayo’s heartfelt testimony and gain insights into TB Joshua’s life and impact, watch the full video on YouTube:

Unmasking Deception: The Truth Behind Jessica’s BBC Conflicting Testimonies

In the aftermath of the false and stage-managed BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), numerous testimonies and evidences have emerged, shedding light on the authenticity of the claims made against the renowned ministry. One such testimony involves Jessica, a key figure in the documentary, whose conflicting statements during a deliverance session have raised questions about the accuracy of her allegations in the false documentary series.

Evangelist Nelson of the Light Of Hope TV has taken the initiative to scrutinize Jessica’s statements and expose what he believes to be lies propagated by the actors and actresses in the BBC-produced film. With over 12 years of mentorship under Prophet TB Joshua, Evangelist Nelson aims to present evidence that challenges the credibility of the documentary.

In the BBC documentary, Jessica presented herself as a virgin, claiming innocence and professing ignorance about the concept of lust. However, Evangelist Nelson unveils an exclusive video capturing Jessica undergoing a deliverance session at SCOAN, where an entirely different narrative unfolds. In this powerful moment of scriptural deliverance, Jessica confesses to harboring the spirit of lust and admits to being promiscuous, drawing parallels between herself and a dog.

This video documentation mirrors the biblical accounts of Jesus casting out demons during His earthly ministry. Jessica, evidently under the influence of the Holy Ghost, confesses to the destructive spiritual influences that allegedly dictated her behavior.

Evangelist Nelson draws attention to the glaring disparity between Jessica’s two narratives, emphasizing the contradiction between her professed innocence and her admission of promiscuity during the deliverance session. He underscores the significance of scriptural deliverance and the transformative power of the Holy Ghost in exposing the truth.

As viewers, it is incumbent upon us to scrutinize the evidence objectively and render judgments based on verifiable facts. Evangelist Nelson advocates for a discerning approach, urging everyone to “make sure of all things and take hold of that which is true.” This echoes the biblical principle of seeking the truth that sets one free.

In the midst of emotional portrayals and scripted narratives, the call is for objectivity, commitment to the truth, and a refusal to be swayed by theatrical performances. The evidence presented challenges the credibility of Jessica’s testimony, prompting questions about the intentions and influences behind those disgruntle elements in the BBC documentary.

Watch the Full Video on YouTube:

A Graceful Leader: Mummy Evelyn Joshua’s Steadfast Resolve Amid Challenges

In the wake of the recent fabricated and stage-managed BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Mummy Evelyn Joshua, affectionately referred to as the mother of all nations or Mama Sarah, has exhibited remarkable grace, resilience, and unwavering leadership.

In a world often fueled by instant reactions, Mummy Evelyn Joshua has chosen a path less traveled. Despite the storm of criticisms and distractions following the documentary, she has upheld the legacy of her late husband, Prophet TB Joshua, by maintaining a dignified silence. Her decision not to engage with detractors or act out of character reflects a profound commitment to the principles of love, humility, and wisdom.

Mummy Evelyn Joshua’s response to the challenges posed by the documentary has been marked by unparalleled leadership and class. She has navigated through the turbulent waters with poise, demonstrating a deep understanding of the responsibilities that come with leading a ministry of global significance. Her actions have not only upheld the integrity of SCOAN but have also silenced skeptics who doubted her capability to lead with strength and wisdom.

In the face of skepticism and doubt about her leadership capabilities, Mummy Evelyn Joshua has emerged as a beacon of strength and grace. Her composed demeanor and resolute silence in response to critics have proven that she is more than capable of steering the ship through challenging waters. The mother of all nations has once again shown that her leadership extends beyond mere titles and positions; it is a divine calling met with resilience.

As Mummy Evelyn Joshua continues to navigate the complexities of leading SCOAN, we join in prayers for more grace, strength, and wisdom to overcome every challenge. Her steadfastness in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to many, and we believe that, with divine guidance, the ministry will not only endure but emerge stronger.

Defending the Legacy: Evangelist Dupe Idowu Responds to BBC False Documentary on TB Joshua

In the wake of the recent fabricated BBC documentary that stirred controversy around the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Evangelist Dupe Idowu, a devoted disciple for over 30 years, has stepped forward to offer her perspective. In a heartfelt response, she addresses the allegations, defends the legacy of Prophet TB Joshua, and calls for discernment among believers.

Evangelist Dupe Idowu, founder of Dupe Idowu International (DICI) Ministry, shared her journey as one of the oldest female disciples of Prophet TB Joshua. Her testimonial spans decades of dedicated service, recounting the miraculous works of God witnessed within the SCOAN community.

Dupe highlights her initial encounter with the prophet, emphasizing the guidance to seek God’s confirmation about his authenticity. This, she believes, is a crucial step for anyone seeking clarity amid the ongoing controversies.

As she delves into her experiences within the SCOAN family, Dupe refutes the accusations made in the BBC documentary. She describes a ministry founded on love, care, and the transformative power of God. Dupe asserts that the physical absence of Prophet TB Joshua does not diminish the impact of his divine calling, stressing the belief that “distance is never a barrier.”

The evangelist addresses the recent wave of criticism and exposes from former disciples, expressing her disappointment in those who have chosen to tarnish the legacy of a man she regards as a humble servant of God. Dupe calls for a prayerful approach, urging individuals to seek divine revelation before passing judgment.

Dupe draws parallels between the current criticisms and biblical passages, notably citing Psalm 11:4, emphasizing that God is watching and will judge accordingly. She encourages believers to exercise discernment, reminding them of the spiritual battles faced by those aligned with the divine purpose.

In her response, Dupe references Acts of the Apostles 5:38, where Gamaliel advises to leave the work of God alone, for if it is of human origin, it will fail, but if it is from God, opposing it would mean fighting against God.

She concludes by emphasizing the spiritual warfare faced by true children of God, urging believers not to be swayed by sensationalism but to seek the truth through prayer and discernment. Dupe affirms her belief in the ultimate victory of the Church and encourages Christians worldwide to stand firm in defending the legacy of Prophet TB Joshua.

YouTube Link to Full Video:

Former Female Disciple Defends Prophet TB Joshua Against BBC Allegations

𝐈𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐁𝐂 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐁 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐚, 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐆𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞. 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐆𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐭, 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 (𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐀𝐍).

Gina, who joined SCOAN as a virgin, asserts that she left the ministry in the same pure state. In a heartfelt statement, she highlights the love and care she received from Prophet TB Joshua and his wife, Mama Evelyn Joshua. Douglas debunks the claims of sexual abuse, expressing gratitude for the positive impact the Prophet had on her life.

Throughout her time at SCOAN, Douglas insists that she encountered love, mentorship, and spiritual guidance. Her personal testimony contradicts the narrative presented in the BBC documentary.

Gina Lee Douglas proudly declares her current marital bliss, crediting her positive experience at SCOAN for shaping her life in a meaningful way. Her journey from a virgin disciple to a happily married woman stands as a proof to the positive environment she found within the ministry.

As the BBC fabricated documentary against Prophet TB Joshua continue to be shown to be false, Gina Lee Douglas’s testimony provides a true perspective, collaborating other similar testimonies of former disciples. Her narrative challenges the accusations of sexual assault, portraying a picture of love, mentorship, and spiritual growth. Watch Gina Lee Douglas share her full testimony on YouTube, offering a firsthand account that contrasts with the recent falsehood of BBC and its cohort.

𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐆𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬’𝐬 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐓𝐮𝐛𝐞:

Created in God’s Image and Living in His Garment of Glory

If there is one thing that has set the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) uniquely apart, it will be the attribute of God’s Holiness. The Founder of the SCOAN, Prophet TB Joshua was able to carry this mantle of God’s holiness and He obtained results. As Jesus was physically leaving His disciples He assured them that, “Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you. But tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high, (Luke 24:49). We covet this clothing from above.

What is the best attribute describing our God? We read in Revelation 4:1-8 as Apostle John saw that a door was opened in heaven. He was in the spirit and saw that a throne was set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. All those around the throne rested not, but day and night were saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come”. Therefore Holiness is the attribute of God in whose image He created man, male and female, (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve were initially clothed in this garment of God’s Holiness and Righteousness. Physically they were both naked and were not ashamed, (Genesis 2:25). In the spirit, God’s Holiness clothed them.

Unfortunately, they were deceived by that old serpent, the devil, or Satan and they fell. Then their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked. They used human effort, sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons, (Genesis 3:7). That is, they lost their holy estate, their holy garment, and lost eternity to become mere flesh. Jesus had to lecture Nicodemus that, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit”, (John 3:6). Prophet TB Joshua knew that we couldn’t achieve the things of God by living in the flesh. 

Therefore as we pray along with our Mother in the Lord, Prophetess Evelyn Joshua, it is that she will be clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49) to do God’s exploits. The rest of us need similarly be clothed with heavenly attires. Not because we want results but because that is the fear of the Lord. It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh, together with all its effort, profits nothing. Jesus said that “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life”, (John 3:63). 

We pray that the words that will come out of every SCOAN prophet, whether those that have trained and are on their own, or those still in training, or those coming for prayers and further training, shall be spirit clothing and bringing forth life. The reconciliation, oneness and unity of all SCOAN disciples, prophets, evangelists, wise men, church workers trained by Prophet TB Joshua, is paramount to the work of God. But better still is the living spirit of God in us, working and perfecting our lives for God’s purpose and glory. Then every moment we can say, “Good Morning and Win Today”.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. 

Did Evelyn Joshua Evicted TB Joshua’s Disciple out of SCOAN?

TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, Evelyn
TB Joshua’s wife, Mrs. Evelyn Joshua

There have been videos circulating on social media showing supposed disciples of TB Joshua packing their belongings out of the SCOAN. Those packing were alleged to have been evicted by our Mummy, Mrs Evelyn Joshua, the wife of Prophet TB Joshua. This latest episode is being purported to be part of a leadership tussle going on at the SCOAN.

Why one would have chosen to remain silent from this falsehood been spread by mischief makers who have been imagining a leadership tussle which in reality is non-existing, but for the sake of clarifying to the public who may be misled by this falsehood and start making false judgment hence this clarification.

It is important to know that there is no leadership tussle at the SCOAN and Mrs Evelyn Joshua did not evict TB Joshua’s disciples out of the SCOAN.

Those who are alleged to have left SCOAN left there at their own accord. Mrs Evenly Joshua is a kind-hearted mother with an embodiment of love just as her husband Prophet TB Joshua, she is not taken any revenge on anyone or trying to position herself as the general overseer of the SCOAN.

We must recognize the fact that she has a legal claim to everything at the SCOAN, including becoming the spiritual head as the general overseer. She is, however, not desperate for any position instead she has to commit everything under God’s will.

Mrs Evelyn Joshua was recently confirmed as one of the trustees of the SCOAN, by the Church constitution there are three trustees since the husband demise it is normal for her the wife to take her husband place as the trustees and this is part of the state law for organisations that are regulated by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria.

This position as one of the trustees of the SCOAN is to fulfil all righteousness following the state laws. Mrs Evelyn Joshua has never claim to be the new general overseer of the SCOAN, she called her position “human Leadership” of the Church.

That alone is to confirm her sense of humility and to buttress the fact that she is open to God’s will and not in any way in a hurry or desperate to make herself the general overseer of the SCOAN.

Normally, not every one of TB Joshua’s disciples and Church workers may want to work with the new leadership at the SCOAN and those that are leaving are doing it at their own will and not that they are being evicted has been reported in the News and social media.

It is also important we understand that those that are leaving are not in any way bad persons it’s just their personal decision which every one of us most respect. They are still our brethren in the vineyard of Christ and we all have to always put them in our prayers.

As it stands right now, Mrs Evelyn Joshua needs all our support, prayers and love. She has made us understand in her speech that SCOAN is open to everyone.

We pray for God’s wisdom upon our mummy, Mrs Evenly Joshua in the cause of her new “human leadership” position in piloting the affair of the SCOAN. We as well pray for more understanding and unity of purpose amongst the disciples, workers and SCOAN family worldwide.

The gate of hell shall not prevail against the Church.

TB Joshua Legacy Lives on! Emmanuel! God With Us!


“One of the big secrets of my life I want to share with you – all these crusades you see me doing around the world such as in Singapore, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru etc. – I pay most of the money. We don’t control the Holy Spirit! Let me pray for whom God wants me to pray for. Don’t pay and then start bringing your brother, sister or cousin for prayer. If you pay for the stadium for me, you will collect money from big businessmen that are sick – they will be the ones you arrange in front, telling me, ‘Pray for this one, Man of God – he is the one who paid seventy percent of the money’. God cannot cooperate with or support such an arrangement. Or you are telling me to come out at 8am when the Spirit of God said I should come out at 10am. My accommodation – I don’t let them know where I am going to lodge. After the crusade, you can know where I am living but before and during the crusade, I will not allow you to come to me. You cannot see me until after the crusade.

“I will enter your country with money and I will go out of the country and not take your money out of the country; it is a rule and regulation because the grace is not for sale. My joy is to see people healed; my joy is to see people delivered; my joy is to see people blessed. That is my money. Each person that is delivered is more than $20,000 to me! Imagine in each crusade how many people are delivered! That is the money God gives me – the joy to sleep in peace. You need to know what it means if God uses you to heal and deliver people. If you know what it means, you will want to heal and deliver people all the time. If you know what it means – the joy in God using you to deliver people – you will never ask the people you deliver to bring money. Even if they want to give you, you will beg them not to destroy your life.

“If you know what it is for God to use you to set someone free from their problems – it’s more than a trillion dollars. Don’t wait for the person to say, ‘Thank you’. That is why, after praying for you, I quickly leave. God has given me something more than ‘Thank you!” If God uses you to remove the pain of one, you are more than a millionaire. You believe your reward is money – no! If money is your gain, you are robbing yourself. That money is insufficient; it cannot give you peace. Money cannot buy you peace. If money could give you peace, many of you would not be here today. That is why you just see me at Ikotun-Egbe. From Ikotun-Egbe – look at the glory of God!” – Prophet TB Joshua


TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Prophet, Emmanuel TV, Anointing water
Prophet TB Joshua

In John 17, Jesus prayed that his followers would be one. The unity He mentioned here is not necessarily achieved by mere talking but through the Holy Spirit. It is the unity of spirit, heart, purpose, destiny; this is unity founded and rooted in love and not on race, age, status, language, class, social level, backgrounds, denomination and churches. 

This shows that unity among the broader body of Jesus Christ is very important to Jesus. Sadly, even when He prayed for unity, division and persecution; hatred is what we experience daily.

The Christian world has allowed religious people and the enemies of Jesus to have the upper hand on their journey of righteousness. But, Prophet TB Joshua refused to be a conformist and did not allow himself to be captured by these enemies of love and unity, hence the negative attitude towards him.

Prophet TB Joshua once said: “What they understand, they destroy but what they don’t understand they call names”.

So, the predisposition of these leaders toward self-deception, coupled with satan’s pervasive and deceptive influence as well as turning the blind eye on God’s Word, is a major barrier to their understanding of Prophet TB Joshua. 

As they profess to be “Christians”, it is expected that they will use the Word of God as a reference to judge TB Joshua but it seems not to be the case.

The most interesting thing about these people is whether they understand the Word of God or not or they just ignore it. What they don’t realize is that failing to understand the Word of God is failing to understand God himself because He is the Word. So people of God should not be surprised to hear what is said about TB Joshua. If they are failing to understand God, and His Word, we should not expect them to understand Prophet TB Joshua.

Jesus said in John 15:18-25: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.” 

If Jesus Christ was hated here on earth, what do we expect from a servant of Christ-like Prophet TB Joshua?

Like all the saints, the crime TB Joshua committed was to follow God’s commands and His ways as well as prove to the world that Jesus still heals and deliver.

He taught his followers to worship God only, to trust God only, to have faith in God only and not man, to worship God willingly and genuinely as well as giving, loving, forgiving and praying the way Jesus want us to.

This has attracted great attention on Prophet TB Joshua. With followership and love from multitudes of all kinds, races and classes from all over the world.

On the other hand, he exposed his haters who are in the business of misleading people of God in the name of Jesus. Instead of uniting with TB Joshua to promote the kingdom of God, they started attacking him.

The good thing about this is that while the persecutions and hatred increase, he continues to follow the path of love, patience and forbearance knowing that he is only accountable to God and this is the reason we didn’t see him fighting back even to his last day on earth.

As it is written in (Titus 1:10): “There are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers”.

Therefore, you and I should know that no one and NO CHURCH is in any position to pass judgment on “God’s Chosen Vessel”. 

Scriptural History shows profusely that every true Prophet and Messenger of God was mostly misunderstood and finally rejected by all except a bare minority that God used them to minister to.

Jesus was mostly persecuted by the religious establishment working with governments, which mainly reflected the values and goals of the world in opposition to God. We should not forget that one may be religious and very much part of the world.

So if you find yourself asking why TB Joshua is hated you will be contradicting what Jesus said. The hatred of TB Joshua by this world which is currently under satanic control is simply an evident and a guarantee that he has been chosen by Christ and this has put him into direct conflict with satan.

I have always wondered if these so-called ministers of the gospel that show hatred towards TB Joshua realize that they are failing our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ because the validity of His ministry was and is based on unity and love of His people and this unity helps the world to believe that the Father sent Him, the Son.

These so-called followers of Jesus, are doing more damage to the Church than the unbelievers.

How will the world believe in Jesus Christ when Christian bodies are promoting what is contrary to what Jesus represent and His prayers for us in John 17:21. Are these people reading the same Holy Bible we read, do they worship the same Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me and them? 

No wonder Jesus said in Matthew 7:15-20: “by their fruits, you will know them”. 

Jesus’ words here are a powerful warning that many are coming in His name but are actively and deliberately seeking to lead us away from the truth. 

If they were living in the days of John the Baptist, they were not going to recognize him as a true Prophet of God because John came apart from every school of religious thought. He was not a priest, though he was entitled by birth to be one. 

Like Prophet TB Joshua, no mentor, not educated either formally or religiously by men and not belonging to any Christian body in Nigeria and the world over. I am talking about a man who fasted forty days and night seeking God opinion about his calling. He was chosen by God Almighty; filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb, and that same Spirit that taught him everything is behind what is manifesting in SCOAN today including distance is not a barrier prayer session which is for free. 

Emmanuel! God With Us!

By Oliphant Deborah


“The Bible says, ‘I will set a table before you in the presence of your enemies’. If your enemy is not there, the table will be useless. It’s good for your enemy to see what you become. What they thought you cannot become – it’s good for your enemy to see. They thought you cannot become this or that – it is better they see for themselves. That may change them and win their soul! A good example of what I am talking about is we here in the church today. If we begin to examine the conscience of everyone here and look at the past – at least 50% never thought they would come here. You had a different impression about T.B. Joshua. You stood in opposition towards T.B. Joshua in the past but today, you are alive to see that he is your friend, not your enemy. If you had died then, would you be able to see this?

What is the way out? Pray for your enemy! Prayer from your heart, not from your lips. If you choose the path of praying for your enemy, you will have a great relief. Because you are running to defeat your enemy, it has taken you to many places – spiritually, physically and financially. It has caused you sleepless nights – fear, anxiety, pressure. Every bad thing that happens to you -when you have nightmare – you attribute it to your enemy. The pain you are going through – it’s not your enemy that is going through it but you. Why can’t you ignore your enemy and move forward? Pray for them! You are the one going through the pain.

When you begin to chase your enemies, you will automatically forget the condition in which you are – because it’s not possible to look at two sides. I am going through pain that the enemy caused – and at the same time I am pursuing the enemy that caused it. I will ignore the pain. The pain will be there but how to take care of myself will be ignored. This is why our pain persists. The situation that you are supposed to go through within a week, you are on it for the past one year – because you ignore your condition and you are pursuing your enemies

The bigger your success, the bigger your enemies. Why are you wasting your time when you know it’s a normal life? You go through your trial according to your position and I will go through my trial according to my position. It is our position that attracts trials. Your position in life attracts persecution. If your position is big, it will attract big trials. Big blessing will attract big trials. You don’t want trials; you don’t want success in life. When people talk about you – ‘He is a foolish man; she is a foolish woman’ – you know it’s a recognition! What you are going through should not rule your life. What you are going through does not matter but what matters is whom you are.”

– Prophet TB Joshua


TB Joshua Ministries 

TB Joshua Taught us to Take the Bold Step for Jesus Christ

Tb Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, Prayer mountain
Prophet T.B. Joshua

After the Pentecost Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer. There at the gate of the temple they came across a certain man lame from his mother’s womb begging alms. Peter and John were also candidates the lame asked an alms. But Peter fastened his eyes on the lame man and said, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have to give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk”. Peter took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. In this wise Peter and John took a bold step for Jesus Christ. Prophet TB Joshua, the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, always used every opportunity to take a bold step for Jesus. He made healing, giving, prophesying, teaching, etc, looked so easy. He also confronted multiple adversaries from the kingdom of darkness with simplicity and courage. Critics even thought that TB Joshua was not praying over the cases, or simply dramatizing them. There was no spirit of fear or spirit of timidity in TB Joshua for God has not given us the spirit of fear. 

In the daily warfare for the kingdom of God, the Christian meets with seemingly numerous difficulties. It is an essential reminder to Christians of any generation and degree that all cowardice, all dread of danger, all shrinking from doing one’s duty for fear of man’s displeasure, proceeds not from the Spirit of God. From the Spirit of God proceeds the spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. 

Part of the legacy of TB Joshua is the understanding that through the grace of God, it is expected that each one he has impacted, will daily take a bold step for Jesus Christ. Our business will henceforth be going out to do exploits for God (Daniel 11:32); because we know God, we are made strong in God and we can do the exploits through the spirit of God. Already we have seen the signs that though we may not see TB Joshua physically with us but God remains our present help forever. God is our God forever and ever and He will be our guide even unto death. Ephesians (4:11-12) states that God gives to the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ”. The holy spirit will equip everyone to do the work of the ministry. Every Christian should see their main business as serving God and therefore taking a bold step for Jesus Christ Daily. 

TB Joshua Lives On 

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria


Tb Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, Prayer mountain
Prophet T.B. Joshua

The new authority in the Synagogue Church of All Nations SCOAN, in Lagos Nigeria, has published events of the burial ceremony of his founder Prophet TB Joshua. They together with the rest of us, who believe in the works of TB Joshua, are the heirs of his legacy. TB Joshua’s influence is globally evident and will shape and create a renewed Christian culture to recover Jesus’ Love and Faith-in-Action culture and faith.

 How will the Church assess and inherit TB Joshua’s tall legacy?  The word of the LORD is clearly saying, “Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the LORD of Hosts. And who art thou, O great mountain?” (Zechariah 4:6-7). By the grace of God, every mountain shall become a plain. TB Joshua has been a positive and heroic mighty man of God, teaching his followers to live by faith and not by sight. TB Joshua has been courageously confronting the unjust and murderous powers, the dark worlds, including Lucifer, the marine powers and their demons. His faithfulness in serving God despite the dangers it poses, ability to discern God’s voice, his ability to make profound sound judgements for family reconciliation, his love, charity and prayer life, etc., all make TB Joshua a hero of the Good News of Jesus.

Of course, Prophet TB Joshua’s legacy is also that of a “troubler” by his numerous foes. This generation thinks that they are entitled to live as they like, speak whatever comes out of their mouth without restrains. TB Joshua endured all name-callings and campaigns of misrepresentation of his intentions. He endured false charges levied against his person or ministry and other misrepresentations maliciously calculated to harm his reputation. He was the target of calumny for his beliefs and acts of goodwill. He was not intimidated by other supposed Christian ministries who made it their objectives not to encourage others but to criticize and condemn. Prophet TB Joshua has never been afraid of campaigns of calumny that could trouble the features of his ministry. He seems more preoccupied with providing for others and solving their difficulties rather than his own. He does not advocate for just his Church nor use violence or foul language.

In Christian history, observers have been learning that some beloved biblical figures are not always as ideal as we would like to believe. Other bible figures make themselves as the most ideal to be followed, and not even Jesus.  At this week events, we’ll say that it will be really hard to embrace the shadow side of TB Joshua. We know that Prophet TB Joshua has the power not only to heal and deliver but also to uproot and consume. However, he remained humble, giving his warnings in prophecies and teachings, and letting God do the fighting. He sees beyond his critics and he is living on. Therefore with God’s help, the SCOAN shall continue to struggle, through prayer and righteousness, to maintain TB Joshua’s legacy and achievements, as the Church looks on to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith.


Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Thank God for Giving us Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN in Times Like This

tb joshua 2020
Prophet TB Joshua

The Bible teaches us in (Mathew 7:13-14) to “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and few find it.” Hence when we proclaim to you that Prophet TB Joshua, the Bishop and Founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, (SCOAN), is unique and different from others of his contemporaries we are also claiming that TB Joshua is following Jesus’ described “narrow way”. All the signs and wonders we see daily in SCOAN should be examined by the Word of God and also the life and teaching of Prophet TB Joshua. In history, SCOAN is a replica of the early Apostolic Church of Christ.

Whilst many are still dwelling on “What’s going on in SCOAN?” others have moved ahead to asking more salient questions and receiving personal encounter from Jesus. Why has God given the word this TB Joshua with such an enormous wealth of knowledge and power at this time in history?  Is Jesus’ coming so near? Why is the kingdom of darkness in such disarray by the advent of TB Joshua and so aggressive against SCOAN? Those who are world kings and presidents live in palaces and have authorities but they have only limited power. The authority given to TB Joshua is from above and endowed with enormous power to teach, heal, save, deliver and make reconciliation. Millions of people all over the world have visited him, some like me repeatedly, we find him humble, consistent, precise, reliable and true.

Therefore don’t join yourself with those on the other side only criticising, or playing the envy and jealousy cards. Go with a free spirit and find out yourself. Go with the mind that the Church of Jesus Christ is one, Holy and True. The world needs to get the best possible out of every God-given Prophet TB Joshua but it won’t see anything in the spirit if it starts from a wrong footing. Despite only one Church building in a remote part of Ikotun Egbe, Lagos Nigeria, SCOAN is known worldwide. Cases from across the world that have defiled medical solution, marriages that are in the brink of collapse, addiction of many years, wayward characters and familiar spirits, all of them come to SCOAN, and God answers the prayers of His people there. SCOAN is uniquely different and the Nigeria nation needs to recognise this and provide necessary encouragements. We thank Jesus for giving us a Prophet TB Joshua at this time, and may we know all the reasons why God has done this. Emmanuel

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

TB Joshua USA Election 2020 Prophecy

What is God saying about the upcoming Presidential election in America? Listen to the vision God gave to Prophet TB Joshua at the Prayer Mountain:

“What is happening in the American election is as a result of the power in the tongue. The word we speak determines the life we enjoy (Proverbs 6:2). The tongue can either work for us or against us – death and life lie in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).

We Christians would have loved it to go the way we wanted. But the Bible says it is never proper to base our faith on our improvement after prayer. We should not worry. The joy is that the new Supreme Court Judge, Amy Coney Barrett, will be an instrument of check.

Finally, let us learn how to believe that God hears us when we pray – it is a much greater blessing. There is likely going to be pockets of resistance here and there but nothing will change. Let me reserve what I am seeing until the inauguration of the new president.”

Prophet TB Joshua (November 1, 2020)


Here are excerpts from an interview which Prophet TB Joshua had with some journalists several weeks ago at The SCOAN Prayer Mountain. It was published today in This Day Newspapers.

QUESTION: What motivated the vision to create this Prayer Mountain, a ‘wilderness’ in an urban area?

ANSWER: This is where I started. I must have a library and a place where I can enjoy nature, not the air condition or fan, just nature as God created it. So, having nature around you is very good. God is nature Himself and without nature, you cannot understand the Bible. Because the Bible is not history; when you are reading the Bible, you are reading the Holy Spirit. So, if you don’t allow nature when you are reading, you will be reading history. You need some places like this – where you leave everything outside and come and hear the cocks’ crow. But outside of here, whatever they are doing, you can’t hear because of the noise. So, this place is very important to me – this is where I live, this is where I sleep and do everything.

If I want to meet people outside of here, I go outside. There is a time for that because the Bible says that there is time to rest and a time to work. Time to rest is time to receive from God and time to work is time to give what you receive from God. When you talk of time to rest, this is the best place to rest, not in the midst of technology or going to New York or travelling about but you rest in the midst of nature.

QUESTION – How did this Prayer Mountain start, given that this place was once a swamp?

ANSWER – This swamp is the rejected stone. God spoke to me and brought me here. I have been following God’s vision, God’s mission. When I am out of God’s mission, I am finished. That is why you cannot see me outside of here; you cannot hear me.

God’s time is the best and I always follow God’s time. So, I have been following God’s time; that is why you will not see me preach every Sunday or go on television to preach every day. I must hear from God before saying anything. Every time can be good for you and every time can be the best time for you but for me, I must have a corresponding grace or power because the Holy Spirit must suggest what to do before I do them. If not, I will not be able to have God’s result.

This is why you are not seeing me out there – at weddings, social occasions, coming to your offices to grant interviews. This is the only church – The SCOAN here in Ikotun. There is no other branch anywhere else in the world but it touches everywhere in the world. I am waiting for God to let me know if there will be branches or not; the important thing is that we should focus on building the people and not the church.

QUESTION – Why don’t you open up this place for tourists?

ANSWER – The people will soon get to know about it. We are just waiting for God’s time. There are many things to be done in this place. We are at about a 70 per cent completion rate. So, if people should know about this place now, we would not be able to complete this job because it will cause distraction. When we are at about 95 per cent completion level, we will let people know. It is going to be by grace. It is not something you pay money for; you can come and see people moving and praying. So, people will get to know; we are waiting for God’s time.

QUESTION – What do you have to say about your family and their involvement in the ministry?

ANSWER – I am very happy about this question. I have a wife and I have children. My first daughter is doing her PhD and my second daughter is doing her master’s degree. In all, I have three daughters. The last one is still in secondary school. I would have loved my wife to be like me but I cannot make her what I am; it is God. I can’t anoint her; God is the one that anoints people. This is not a biological issue; it is an inheritance from the saints – being a partaker of the inheritance from the saints. So, therefore, I should not use anything in my biological life to stop my spiritual life.

As for my divine nature, I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints. This is an apostolic ministry; it is not a ministry where you read the Bible, go to theology school, get your certificate and you start preaching! No. It is purely divine. So, it is so difficult for me to display my wife, she has to be ready for God. As much as you are ready for God, God will display you.

QUESTION – How do you take such criticism that your ministry has faced?

ANSWER – It is always good if at the beginning they don’t see what is good about you. If they don’t see your journey at the beginning, they will criticise you. It is good for you in the end. So, if they praise you from the beginning, it is not encouraging. If Nigerians have been accepting me right from the beginning of my mission, I think that would have affected my mission to the world.

I have gone all over the world. I am the first minister of God that went to Nazareth, Israel where Jesus was born and organised a revival there and the news was carried in newspapers all over the world. After the crusade, a certificate was given to me by the State of Israel. That is the greatest joy for any minister of God!

QUESTION – But why was there so much controversy about the Nazareth Crusade?

ANSWER – Because it happened to Jesus, I cannot be greater than my Master. A tenant cannot be greater than his landlord. If the landlord is criticised, who is a tenant? That is exactly what happened to Jesus. They said no. The Muslims were on the streets protesting along with Christians, Catholics and all. But I let them know that God sent me to do the revival in Israel. And top Israeli government functionaries came. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also sent his representative.

SOURCE: This Day