Only heard about TB Joshua, don’t know him yet she highly condemns him!


Editor’s Introduction 1

My desire to expose the so called T.B. Joshua Watch family continues unabated. It has been conveyed to me that the attacks have raised eyebrows in certain quarters, about the mentioning of names with pictures attached to it.

Of course, they are entitled to their opinions. But what they should know is, I have disengaged from the SCOAN London branch just like the TB Joshua watch has done by resigning to fight a cause.

As stated in my previous articles, I am only addressing issues raised by people who sent various emails to members of SCOAN UK about their resignation from SCOAN, UK and matters arising thereof. I am not a spokesperson of SCOAN and I don’t intend to be one. I have only taken on the responsibility of investigating what the TB Joshua watch says and also listening to what others are stating and contrasting them with the emails they sent to all members of UK SCOAN.

All the contents of the TB Joshua watch are recycled from the emails sent by those who resigned from the branch, namely Dave and Angie (co- pastors), Karina and husband, Dr John Harderker, Tracey De Sousa, Leon and wife. Like I rightly said, I have a right to a response and I have chosen word press to do that.

Stella’s Story

We feature Karina and Morne van Niekerk as being part of the ‘Southern African collective’ who has been launching scathing attacks on T.B. Joshua. Some even think by mentioning the word ‘apartheid’ or segregation is too strong a word to describe this ‘collective’.

Yes, karina and the husband, on the 19/3/2010, in their email sent to all members of SCOAN entitled ‘Good Bye’, they launched a blistering attack on prophet T.B. Joshua and all that SCOAN stands for. They acted as conduits and prepared the grounds for what Dave and Angie were to say after their pastoral ship had become untenable and they were about to leave. They showered praises on Angie and Dave who were merely at that time preaching recycled messages from the prophet. They never preached anything new. They said (Karina and Husband): ‘I know a lot of you feel the same way as us and is pondering what to do next.  Now is the time to BE the church.  The church is more than just a name or a person.  It is about being the hands and feet of Christ.  It is about being a family and looking out for each other.  It is and has never been about a building, liturgy or any other tradition, but us – those who love Him.  I want us all to be encouraged to look out for each other.  There was a lot of good over the last few years and we all grew spiritually under Dave and Angie’s leadership.  We need to take that with us!

Finally we need to thank Dave and Angie for their input in our lives.  They are 2 of the most solid people we’ve ever met and we owe a great deal of our understanding of and relationship with God to them.  Their dedication and love for us as a church was absolute and inspirational.  We never doubted that.  They have worked tirelessly to build the church and it is very sad to see it being eroded. We wish them only the best with their future.

Question EVERYTHING – it is Biblical.  Trust what you know about Dave & Angie and the Word of God and make informed decisions’.

In a response, one Stella condemned Karina ‘in no small, uncertain and unequivocal terms’. He gave a brief history of the Dutch Reform Church and the brutalities they perpetrated against blacks in South Africa in their policy of apartheid and segregation. He went on to say that ‘there is nothing these guys can teach black Africa’ in terms of pitching Black pastors against T.B. Joshua.

A lot of white South Africans are decent people and there were good guys who fought against the obnoxious regime and we appreciate and respect that but they don’t have the moral right to tell us what is good and bad. We have nothing to learn from Karina and her ilk.

The South African Collective cannot dictate to us. Did their forebears ever question D.D. Malan or Botha? Did they ever help poor black Africans who were dying from squalor and poverty? At least, T.B. Joshua is doing that and he is teaching people to follow his stead.

In Karina and Niekirk’s attack on T.B Joshua and Benny Hinn, she said: ‘The Bible says that when we do charitable works our left hand should not know what our right hand is doing.  Yet TBJ’s charitable works are broadcast the world over for all to see. It begs the question what is his motives for doing these things?  TBJ made many promises re Haiti.  They will be there permanently and will set up a base where there will be nurses and doctors and they are going to adopt x amount of children.  I challenge each of you reading this email to set a reminder in your phone and ask the ministry what is happening about it in 1 year from now.

TBJ is promoting the ministries of people who have been discredited within Christian circles such as Benny Hinn.  Why do that’?

I challenge them to name South African (white) pastors who are credible men of God. Instead of apologizing for the wrongs of the past they go looking for good people to devour. T.B. has played his part in Haiti and he continues to champion the cause of the down trodden in Africa and other parts of the world, even if he sells his portraits to raise money to help needy we are content with that. Anyway, what did white South Africa do for us?

Let these miscreants in the form of this ‘collective’ know that they were not forced to be part of SCOAN, but came on their own accord and therefore they should leave in peace keeping their thoughts to themselves.

The apartheid mentality is still alive in some people. It is not dead.